HTAP’s ARTREACH programs reach youth between 8 and 18 throughout SW Florida. This summer it conducted 12 programs which consisted of 5 two-hour sessions where children learn what human trafficking is and how to protect themselves. They then create art which is exhibited so as to teach others. The paintings have been exhibited at art galleries, churches, banks and schools.

Nola Theiss, Executive Director of HTAP said, “Rotary Clubs have supported our work before and we are very excited to have the Fort Myer’s club’s support again. They understand the importance of educating our children about the dangers of human trafficking.

For more information, please contact Nola Theiss: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


About Human Trafficking Awareness Partnerships

HTAP was founded in 2006, Our mission is to prevent human trafficking by empowering individuals through education and collaborative action in SW Florida. We train professionals, community groups and government agencies about the signs of trafficking and how to develop a protocol for reporting and caring for victims.

In 2010, HTAP widened its focus to educating children, ages 8 to 18, through its ARTREACH 10 hour program. Young people learn about trafficking and how it affects them and how they can protect themselves and others. They collaboratively create large canvases which depict trafficking situations, solutions, and warnings for their viewers. Youth have created over 160 paintings which are available for exhibition. HTAP conducts other youth programs and is working with the Lee County School District to reach students in schools.

HTAP works collaboratively with many local organizations, such as A.C.T., Our Mothers Home, PACE schools in Lee and Collier Counties, Police and Sheriff Departments in SW Florida, Boys & Girls Clubs, AFCAAM, Dunbar Community School, Stars Complex, YMCA, churches and community centers.


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